Top 10 best mining pools for Ethereum (2022)
If you want to start mining Ethereum, you should join an Ethereum mining pool. This article explains what mining pools are, how they reward you and what are the best Ethereum mining pools.

What are Ethereum mining pools?
Individual miners combine their mining powers in mining pools to increase the chances of generating a new block. The stronger the hash power of a mining pool, the higher the chance of opening a new block. Block rewards are divided fairly according to the computing power invested by the miners
What are the best Ethereum (ETH) mining pools?
Here you will find a list of the top 10 Ethereum mining pools selected by Vestorportal with the lowest fees and highest rewards.
#1 - Ethermine

Reward Type: PPLNS
Fees: 1%
#2 - F2Pool

Reward Type: PPS+
Fees: 2%
#3 - Hiveon

Reward Type: PPS+
Fees: 0%
#4 - Poolin

Reward Type: PPS+
Fees: 1%
#5 - 2miners

Reward Type: PPLNS
Fees: 1%
#6 - Flexpool

Reward Type: PPLNS
Fees: 0.9%
#7 - Nanopool

Reward Type: PPLNS
Fees: 1%
#8 - Binance Pool

Reward Type: PPS+
Fees: 0.5%
#9 -

Reward Type: PPS+
Fees: 0%
#10 - Ezil

Reward Type: PPS+
Fees: 1%
What do the different Reward Types mean?
PPS (Pay Per Share)
With pay-per-share mining pools, as a miner, you receive a fixed amount for each share. Shares are units calculated using the hash rate. Hashing is also closely related to this. In this accounting system, miners always get paid even if no block is generated.
Since there is a higher risk for the pool here, the fees for this system are often higher than for the other billing systems. They are usually between 1 to 3 percent here.
PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares)
Unlike Pay-Per-Share mining pools, the Pay-Per-Last-N-Share accounting system pays out rewards only when the mining pool has generated a block. The rewards depend on the shares provided for calculating the blocks. In the PPLNS system, rewards are paid only when a block is generated.
Compared to the PPS system the fees are lower at 1 percent, but luck also plays a big part here. Miners can get more money here, but at the same time there is a risk of getting less.
PPS+ (Pay Per Share Plus)
Pay-Per-Share-Plus mining pools are a hybrid of the other two systems described. Miners receive a fixed amount for each share and additional wages for each block generated. However, the amount of the wage is lower here than in the Pay-Per-Last-N-Share system.
The fees are the highest with this system, but it provides miners with the highest level of security and stability.
How do you trade Ethereum?
One of the easiest ways of trade Ethereum is by using exchanges like Kucoin, Coinbase or Binance.
If you do not want to use a centralized exchange you can use a decentralized exchange.