How to deposit FTM from MetaMask to Binance?

If you want to get FTM from your MetaMask to a centralized exchange (CEX) like Binance this article will show you how to do it. Make sure to follow the steps closely so you do not lose your funds in the process.
If you do not have a Binance account already you can set up one here.
Step 1: Log in to your Binance account
Navigate to the login page of Binance and fill in your credentials. Then press 'Log In'.

Step 2: Navigate to your fiat and spot wallet
After you have logged in to your Binance account you will need to navigate to your fiat and spot wallet where your FTM wallet is located.
Click on 'Wallet' to expand it. Then click on 'Fiat and Spot'.

Step 3: Click on 'Deposit' next to 'FTM'
After you have navigated to 'Fiat and Spot' you will see an overview of your fiat and spot balance. Under 'Crypto Balance' search for 'FTM'. Here you will be able to buy, deposit, withdraw, trade, earn, or convert your FTM. Click on 'Deposit'.

Step 4: Get your FTM wallet address from Binance
Make sure the selected coin is FTM and the selected network is 'FTM Fantom'. Then go on and click the duplicate button next to the shown FTM address to copy it.

Step 5: Send FTM from your MetaMask to Binance
Open your MetaMask and make sure you are connected to the Fantom Network. Then click on 'Send'.

Enter the Binance FTM address (Step 4). Make sure the asset is FTM and enter the amount you want to send to Binance. Then click 'Next'.

MetaMask will show you an overview of the estimated gas fees. Click on 'Confirm'. It will take some time to complete your transaction.
How do you buy FTM?
One of the easiest ways of buying FTM is by using exchanges like Kucoin or Binance.
If you do not want to use a centralized exchange you can use a decentralized exchange.